Parent Information Packet

Pre-K Overview E-Learning

For the next 3 weeks we have put together a packet of materials for your child to continue their learning.

Daily Schedule- We feel that it is important for your child to remain on a routine. You can choose to follow what we have set up or you can rearrange for what works in your household. The times are flexible. The most important part is keeping a consistent day to day routine as best you can.

Circle Time- Built into the schedule you will see that there is a circle time. This is the time that we ask you to set up a device for your child to watch the recorded circle time, which will be posted every Monday on the Pre-K classroom webpage on the TVES website.

Daily 5 Checklist- There is a Daily 5 Checklist. Please complete the checklist daily and on Fridays we will ask for a picture of the sheet.

Special Areas- On the checklist there is a Special assigned for that day. Go to the TVES website and under the tab SPECIALS each specials teacher has a page where you can access our grade levels assignments. Mr. Walling- P.E., Mrs. Manzke- Library, Mrs. Hart- Music, Mrs. Phelan/Ms. Jen-Art.

Staying connected- Please know that we are both available through the Remind App. and email. We would love to receive pictures of your children completing work or doing a fun activity during their time at home. If they build an awesome tower or create a fort send us a picture. We want to see all the awesome things our kiddos are doing!

We have set up a TVES Pre-K Facebook Page where parents are welcome to post pictures, activities, share ideas. We thought this would be a fun way for the kids to still see each other and what everyone is doing while out of school. We will also be posting more ideas to do with your child on the Facebook page.

Additional Activities


Please read a couple of books with your child each day. We ask that you keep a reading log of the books you have read. It would be great if your child took time after reading to draw a picture about which part of the story they liked, please write the name of the book. We will share these pictures with the class when we return to school!

Play Outside!

  • It is a great time of the year, weather is changing, Go OUTSIDE and explore!!! Nature walks.
  • Nature scavenger hunt sheet to find items as you hike.

Handwriting- If your child will be writing in their journals please refer to the Handwriting Without Tears Alphabet sheet for teaching the formation of the letters.

  • Handwriting Without Tears tracing packet- Your child can practice writing using the packet. Tracing on the lines. Please guide them to begin at the arrow and stop at the stop sign.


  • Finish the Tower- take turns rolling a die and collecting the indicated number of counters. Then place these counters on one of the towers. The object is to fill all 3 towers with counters. As an option, require that the towers be filled exactly so that a roll of a 5 cannot be used to fill four empty spaces. (players are working together to fill the towers)
  • Play boardgames, card games (Go Fish, Candyland)
  • Playdoh- If you have Playdoh it is a great activity. You can hide objects for your child to find such as beads.
  • “War”- Using a deck of cards or the number cards in the packet. The game is similar to the game “War.” Split the deck in half. Each player turns over one card and then discuss, which card is the bigger number. If you are using the provided cards, encourage your child to count the dots to help identify the numbers. If using a deck of cards count the suit. The bigger number wins. Play until one player has all the cards.


  • Color packet. Color according to the color assigned in the crayon at the top of the page.
  • Cat in the Hat Hat- color the stripes using a red crayon creating a pattern, cut the hat out, glue/staple the stripes of paper to create a hat for your child.
  • Fox in Socks By, Dr. Seuss- color the socks however you would like!
  • Counting Fish- Your child can cut the book in half and color it. They can read it with you and to others in your home!

Baking or cooking are great activities to include your child in

Online Resources

There are many online resources available to us. Here is a list of a couple:

Storyline Online

ABCmouse Early Learning Academy


Starfall- Alphabet, numbers, nursery rhymes, counting games, stories

Gonoodle- Fun movement activities