Hi Pioneers. Your teachers have prepared some online learning resources for you, so you can continue learning over the summer. Click on the links below to access a variety of learning resources to keep your mind active over summer vacation.


Hey Future Scientists! Here are some websites that can help you discover more scientific phenomena during our summer break.

Here are some science simulations for you to try at home. These simulations will allow you to "see what the eye can't see" in many different science phenomena situations.

Physical Education

Just Dance Warm ups!! Before you get your day started let’s get the blood flowing and body moving!! Get your parents, siblings, grandparents, whoever and have some fun!! Click on one of the links or all of them and get your body moving!!

Have some fun with your workouts! Below are different Fortnite workouts. Choose to dance along with the avatar or do the exercises shown. Do you have a fun youtube workout? Share it with us!

Click the link below and go through the stretching routine along with the fitness testing cadence of push ups and curl ups. See if you can keep up and do all the reps. If you can’t do it at first don’t give up! Keep practicing each day to build your muscles and strength.