Michael Zheng

About Me

My name is Michael Zheng and I teach Math I and Math II at Denair High School. I graduated with my BA in Mathematics and my Master's in Education from UC Santa Barbara in 2022. Some of my hobbies and interests include reading, playing games, playing sports, and math! I enjoy teaching at Denair, and I wish all of my students success in the coming months.

About This Website

For each class that I teach, there are links to extra resources that the students can access. These resources include links to useful videos online (in both English and Spanish) that can help students if they need extra help or missed class.

Some Useful Links

This is a great resource for videos/extra practice on topics that we learn in this class:


This is a link to a very excellent and free online graphing calculator:



Here is a link to a very cool and free geometric construction software. We will very likely be using this software in class on our Chromebooks in Math II at some point in the semester:


Do you think you're good at math? Do you think you're reaaallyy good at math? Try out some of the problems on this website! This has a bunch of fun and challenging high school level math questions for you to take a crack at.


Was Maths Challenge too easy for you? Well...


Here are some school related links as well.