Art & 3D Design

Aims of the Art & Design Department

To develop Knowledge & Understanding of

Art and Design.

  • To encourage and develop creative thinking.

  • To nurture the imagination of our students.

  • To develop students' skills in drawing from observation.

  • To provide students with the opportunity to explore and use new materials and equipment; understanding their properties.

  • To aid students in understanding of the role of artists, crafts people and designers; past and present.

  • To develop students analytical and evaluative skills when studying their own and others Artwork.

  • To encourage students to view their environment and the world around them and use it as artistic inspiration.

  • To encourage and develop independent learners.

  • To nurture reflective creative practitioners.

  • To build confidence and a sense of pride in our students.

  • To provide opportunities outside the classroom such as competitions, clubs and workshops.

  • To aid students with the creative tools to express themselves.

  • To foster the artistic talents of the UK’s future artists, crafts people and designers.

Why study Art and Design?

Art is fun. Studying Art gives you the opportunity to explore and experiment with a wide variety of interesting materials, techniques and processes. It’s hands on, allowing you to develop key skills in the manipulation of paint, printmaking, collage, clay and other forms of sculpture and construction.

Art is useful. Art gives you invaluable problem solving skills that can be transferred to other subject areas. Students who are creative in their thinking are able to approach a task in a multitude of ways, experimenting and exploring until they reach an informed outcome. Art teaches you to think with an open mind, find alternatives and tackle any situation with real creativity.

Art is everywhere, all around you. From the clothes you wear, the built environment you live in to the mobile phone you use or computer games you play. They’ve all been designed by someone with a creative mind. Studying Art gives you the insight into how an idea can develop and grow into something tangible, real and truly remarkable.

Art is current. The creative industry is huge. By studying Art you too could join the many students that go on to build a successful future in careers such as Graphic Design, Architecture, Fashion, Photography, Illustration, Animation, Product Design, Interior Design, Printmaking, Special effects, Production design, Jewellery design... The list goes on!

GCSE AQA Arts, Crafts and Design and

GCSE Photography

At KS4 students will be given the opportunity to work in various Art Disciplines such as Fine Art, Printmaking, Sculpture and Photography. Students are expected to experiment with materials, techniques and processes with an open mind throughout year 10 with the opportunity to focus their skills in a particular area of strength in year 11.

Over the course of year 10 and 11 students will complete 2 portfolio projects based on a range of interesting topics such as natural form, portraiture, architecture, food, culture and music. In year 11 they will complete an exam preparation period of 8 weeks followed by a 10 hour controlled exam where they will conclude their preparation in a final outcome.

Future Pathways

Students who have studied Art and Photography typically progress to an Art foundation course which in turn leads to studying a chosen Art discipline at University. Those going onto university have gone on to study degrees at university in Architecture, Illustration, Product Design, Graphic Design, Fashion, Photography, Surface Design, Ceramics and Textiles to name a few.