School Locator


When will the Elementary Changes take place?

This change will take place next school year in August 2022 for students enrolling in grades Kindergarten through 4th grade.

Why Are There New ZOnes?

Due to the opening of a third elementary school, the elementary school zones had to be adjusted.

How were the zones selected?

Starting in 2018, Durant Schools began working with a demographic specialist to forecast student growth in the district. This information was used to determine the need for a new elementary school. In 2019, the district established a committee and contracted with the same demographic group and an additional demographic group to help determine best placement for the new elementary school zones. After much research, both demographic companies and the committee are in agreement these zones will best meet the needs of our students, parents, and community.

How Can I Find out My Child's Assigned elementary School?

To find out your child's assigned elementary school, please visit our website at and choose the My School Locator link. On the right-hand side, click the layers icon and choose all elementary school layers. Input your address in the search box at the top of the page to locate your student’s assigned elementary school. After confirming the location of your residence, you will see all the schools assigned to your address. If your address falls outside of our school district boundary, you will need to complete a transfer application.

What If I Want My Child to Attend a School other than the one in my zone?

We encourage all elementary students to attend their assigned school. However, we understand there may be valid reasons for your child to attend a different elementary school than the one assigned to your address. If this is the case for your child, you will need to complete an Elementary School Change Request Form. This form must be picked up and returned to the Durant Administration office located at 1323 Waco Street. Please understand if your request is granted to attend a school outside your assigned school zone, you will be responsible for transporting your child to and from school. Submitting an Elementary School Change Request Form does not guarantee your request will be granted. Forms are available now and should be submitted as soon as possible. To ensure enrollments are not delayed, Elementary School Change Request Forms should be returned to 1323 Waco Street by February 1.

If you have any further questions, please e-mail