Qualities in a Perfect Spouse

What qualities would you look for in a perfect spouse?

Evan Elder

In a wife I’m looking for someone that challenges me, someone that makes me think differently about everything and let’s me get a different perspective on life. I mean they can look pretty and do whatever but that’s not really what matters. You can have the best looking spouse on earth, but if they don’t provide anything for you in your life, there is truly no point. I thought my last girlfriend was the prettiest girl on earth, and to be honest with you, I still think so, but it was the things she taught me and the experiences I had with her that really made the relationship. I had never wanted to go to prom or homecoming before because I never saw the point, but when she “forced” me to go to homecoming with her, I was pleasantly surprised with one of the best days of my life. That is the kind of thing that I believe a spouse should provide you with, new experiences in your life that show you a different side of things.

Evan Elder

Kenny Salemi

I would be a very picky husband. My wife would first of all have to be shorter than me at all times. She also has to be very very smart, so smart she knows when I’m lying before I even speak. She would be so gorgeous other guys drop dead in the street when they see her. She would have to have a great sense of humor, both dark and mild. She needs to have goals of her own. If we get married and all she does is clean, watch Netflix, and cook, then I don’t want it. I want a wife that wants to take me to places of wonder, places that I’ve never been before. I’d want almost every experience with her to be a different one every time. And for my final trait, she needs to have a positive attitude. She can’t be toxic or crazy. Maybe a little crazy is okay but nothing over the top.

Kenny Salemi

Grady Claussen

If I were to make my spouse, she would have to be good with kids and livestock. She would also have to like showing livestock, and like living in the country. I would also like her to be a good cook.

Grady Claussen

Cayden Eckhardt

For me, the 2 most important qualities in a spouse are trust and honesty. I say these 2 things because if you cannot trust a person, you won’t become vulnerable enough to connect with them, and if you cannot be honest with them, then you have to hide vital parts of yourself from them.

Cayden Eckhardt

Kristina Vasquez

My ideal spouse would be someone who loves me and treats me right. Someone who opens the car door for me and gets me flowers. Most of all I want someone who I know will be loyal. I want someone who cares about my feelings and doesn’t just make things all about themselves. Most of the things I want are hard things to do. I want someone who feels they can be themselves around me and not have to hide anything. The most important thing is that we both feel loved and cared for.

Kristina Vasquez

Ethan Woodhouse

My wife’s gotta be a leftist because I am a leftist and personally couldn’t see myself dating a liberal or conservative. She would have to want a similar parenting style to me, and I wouldn’t want to have arguments over how we should raise a child. She has to be a good communicator because the biggest thing I appreciate in a relationship is the ability to address a problem immediately without having it devolve into a progressive argument. And lastly, I’d want her to be able to be supportive without being overbearing. The most important thing in my life is individuality, and I need the room to be my own person.

Ethan Woodhouse