
Daily Schedule Team Five Only

(Other teams have different schedules)

8:15am Students line up on the football field

3:30pm Students released from school

Monday: Tuesday-Friday

1 8:25-9:20 1 8:25-10:10

2 9:25-10:15 2 10:15-12:00

3 10:20-11:10 Lunch 12-12:40

4 11:10-12:00 3 12:40-1:30

Lunch 12-12:40 4 1:35-2:30

5 12:40-1:30 5 2:35-3:00 CREW

6 1:35-2:30 6 3-3:30 Reading

7 2:35-3:00 CREW

8 3:00-3:30 Reading

Team Five Calendar