Incoming invoices import module

What is this?

The incoming invoice import module makes you able to download and save the invoices, which your vendors have issued to you. This accelerates the incoming invoice process at least 7 times, if we only count the fields to be filled. After you have downloaded your invoices, you can control them before saving, so you can still check if an invoice was business related or not.

Settings before using the module

The NAV sends the invoices with the tax ids of the vendors, which makes our program able to identify the vendors from the master data during the import. The prerequisite of course, that the tax id of the vendors are filled.

To reach the most matches, please enter the tax number of your vendors in the "Tax ID" field!

If this field is filled correctly and you receive a new invoice from the vendor, the program will link that with your vendor, and you will see a small tick next to the vendor's name:

If the program cannot find any match (due to the lack of tax ids), the program will link the new invoice with the one-time vendor account, so you will not be able to list that invoice from any vendor's linked documents.

In this case, the program will give you the possibility to save the vendor in your master data. You just need to click on the "Create vendor" button to do so, and all data will be populated automatically from the NAV database, which you only need to save.

There are no other prerequisites to use the new function (except - of course - the existence of the NAV technical user).

How does it work?

You will find the new function under the menu "Transactions - Expenses - NAV incoming invoices import":

Simply click on the "NAV incoming invoices import" button and select which period's invoices you would like to import! There is a limitation in the period selection. You can import invoices for any period of up to 32 days.

We aligned to this limitation and created the fast buttons based on this. After you have selected the requested period, click on "Submit"!

The program will then download the selected invoices, and will show them in a list. Here you check can their details before you save them.

This screen provides you the main details about the invoices, like the type of the invoice, the name of the vendor, amounts.

If you are curious and would like to see more details, you can click on the "Details" button, which then provides you more details about the selected invoice. Also the invoice items can be checked here. The detailed view is downloaded from the NAV database, therefore in busy days it can take a while.

If you only want to save the invoice, please click on the "Save" button!

To save an invoice, you will need to select an expense type and a payment status. This ensures, that the invoices are saved with the right category.

Once an invoice has been saved, it will disappear from the list, so you can concentrate on the next invoices.

During the import process, the program checks, if an invoice has been already created. This is done based on the transaction ID of the invoice. If any invoice has been created before, the program will display those invoices with a grey background and marks them as below:

There is a second check during the saving process based on the invoice number. This works only, if the vendor's tax number is filled, so the program can check the vendor's documents.

After the invoices were successfully saved, you will find them between the manually created incoming invoices in the menu "Transactions - Expenses - List of expenses".