The Substitute Hub or "Sub Hub" will provide you with resources to support you as you work in our schools to support the continued learning of our students.

Health & Safety Protocols

  • Masks - All students and staff are required to wear face coverings at all times, except when eating and during physical activity. Each school and bus will have extra face masks available for students, staff, and others at all times.

  • All outside visitors will have temperature checks & screening before entering the building.

  • Students & staff are encouraged to wash and sanitize their hands often throughout the day.

  • Hallway - Students and staff should follow the directional signs on the floor and maintain 6 feet of distance while traveling in the hallways.

  • Students must be socially distanced in the classroom

  • Students should not share personal items or supplies with other students.

  • Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles to school each day. Opportunities will be provided for water bottle refills.

  • Meals will be delivered to the classroom each day. Microwaves are not available for student use.

  • Classrooms should be sanitized between classes.

  • Each substitute will have different duties or responsibilities based on the teacher that they are substituting for that day. Therefore, it is important that each substitute reach out to administration to determine the specific duties and responsibilities for that day.

Blended Learning

Blended Learning involves face-to-face classes that are accompanied by online materials and activities--essentially a “blend” of both live and online learning.

Students in the face-to-face classroom may be required to complete online learning activities.

Students will be expected to bring a charged device to school. However, some students may not have a device. The teacher should indicate students without access to a device, and design lessons and activities that can be completed by all students regardless of device access.

Each school may have specific requirements and expectations for substitutes. Please make sure to check in the front office each morning and communicate with staff to determine expectations.


  • Substitutes should check with front office staff upon arrival at school for information about how attendance will be collected at each school.


  • Students have been provided devices to support the learning process. The goal is that all PreK-2 students will have access to an iPad and students in grades 3-13 will have access to Chromebooks. However, we are still awaiting the delivery of additional devices. Therefore, some students may be using their own personal devices or sharing devices with siblings.

  • While students should have knowledge of how to utilize the device, substitutes may need to assist students if they encounter technical difficulties while in the classroom. Below are some basic user guides that will help you become familiar with the two different types of devices.

  • Since instructional content may be delivered to students through videos in the learning management system, students are encouraged to bring and wear headphones. Some classrooms may have additional headphones that can be used, but will need to be sanitized after each use.

Learning Management System

  • Grades PreK-5 are using Google Classroom. Grades 6-13 are using Canvas.

  • Short-term substitutes will not be able to access the learning management system. However, it is important that each substitute has a basic understanding of how each learning management system operates and how students should access assignments and submit work. Below are some basic guides and resources to help you understand the two learning management systems.

          • Google Classroom - Students on a Chromebook will access via and the Google Apps menu button (looks like a waffle/grid/tic-tac-toe) in the top right. Students on an iPad will access via the Google Classroom app.

          • Canvas - Students on a Chromebook will access via NCEdCloud and the red Canvas logo. Students on an iPad will access via the Canvas app.

Digital Resources

  • There are a variety of digital resources that students will use for online course work. Therefore, as a substitute you may have to assist students in accessing various resources. Here is a page with a detailed list of the district specific resources by grade spans. In the description, it will provide you with information on how students should access what the login information is for each child.

  • Most of our resources are integrated with our single-sign-on solution, NCEdCloud. The NCEdCloud portal allows students to sign in with one username and password to access multiple resources.

      • Students will access NCEdCloud by visiting or by visiting and using the NCEdCloud buttons.

      • Then enter the student username and password or students in grade K-5 can scan their QR code to access.

          • If a student does not remember their login credentials or has forgotten their password, contact the school Digital Learning & Media Coordinator or the STEAMA Curriculum Facilitator. They can provide you with that information or reset a student's password.

          • Instructions for using K-5 badges

Classroom Management Tips

  • Since students may be completing work online, it will be critical that substitutes walk around the room to monitor student behavior. Students may have the tendency to access other online activities on different tabs of their device. Therefore, substitutes must walk around in order to see what students are doing on their devices.

  • Ask that students wear their headphones or earbuds when watching video activities.

  • Ask that students close their laptop or flip over their iPad when you want their attention. This will ensure that they are not begin distracted by the device.

  • Students may finish their work at different times while online. Therefore, the teacher may have left additional offline activities for them. However, you may want to have a collection of activities that can be completed for any subject or grade level.

Who Do I Call?

Throughout the day, there may be different times in which you need assistance. Below is a general guide to whom you should call to help answer the following questions. However, each school may have a more specific guide or recommendation.

Who do I call if...

  1. A student becomes ill or display symptoms while in the classroom?

    • Please contact the school nurse immediately for additional instructions. If the school nurse is unavailable, contact the school administration.

  2. A student can not log into their email or NCEdCloud?

    • Please contact the school Digital Learning & Media Coordinator or the STEAMA Curriculum Facilitator (K-8 schools).

  3. A student is experiencing technical difficulties with their school device?

    • If it is an immediate issue, you can contact the Digital Learning & Media Coordinator.

    • If the issue is not urgent, you can submit a technical support ticket on the school homepage of the website or by clicking here.

  4. I am experiencing technical difficulty with the interactive board, speakers, etc?

    • Please contact the school Digital Learning & Media Coordinator

  5. Lesson plans or sub plans are not available?

    • Call the front office to notify the office staff.

  6. A student is not following the safety & health protocols (mask, social distancing, etc.)?

    • Provide the student with a warning and a reminder of the safety and health protocols. If the student continues to fail to comply, contact the school administration.

Other Resources