
Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)

Presentation topic: Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)

Navigating the Child Care Assistance Program

Time of presentation:
English: 12:45 to 1:45 p.m.
Spanish: 2 to 3 p.m.

CLICK HERE to view the schedule.

Location of presentation: Auditorium

To watch the presentation in English, click on the video at right.


Erica Craig

Title: Director of Biliteracy for school districts 4 and 88

Presentation topic: Biliteracy in our Communities/El bialfabetismo en nuestras comunidades

Join the new District 88 Director of Biliteracy to learn more about our programming initiatives and the direction of dual-language programming for our students.

Time of presentation:
English: 2 to 3 p.m.
Spanish: 12:45 to 1:45 p.m.

CLICK HERE to view the schedule.

Location of presentation: Cafeteria

Biography: Craig led the Addison Trail World Language Department from 2014 to 2021 and spearheaded a complete overhaul of all levels of curriculum, assessment, program sequencing and instructional materials. In her new role as Director of Biliteracy, Craig will focus on meeting the rigorous goal of biliteracy and the Illinois State Board of Education Seal of Biliteracy credential for District 88 students, as well as the analysis and review of the bilingual and dual-language curriculum and programming at the districts and the eventual recommendations for streamlining the continuum of services K-12. She also is a valued and respected member of the District 88 C.A.R.E. Team (Committed to Academics, Resiliency and Equity) and has been at the forefront of the district’s equity work since 2014.

Craig earned her undergraduate degree in Hispanic Studies and International Studies from Illinois Wesleyan University, her Master of Arts degree in Spanish Literature from The University of Chicago and her Master of Arts in Education degree from Concordia University.

To watch the presentation in English, click on the video at right (top).

To watch the presentation in Spanish, click on the video at right (bottom).


NAMI DuPage (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

Presenters: Karen Rosenberg (left) and Alicia Carlisle-Camacho (right)

Presentation topic: Ending the Silence for Families

One-hour presentation for adults with middle- or high-school-aged youth that includes warning signs, facts and statistics, how to talk with your child and how to work with school staff.

Time of presentation:
English: 11 a.m. to noon (Spanish translation will be provided)

CLICK HERE to view the schedule.

Location of presentation: Cafeteria

Dr. Kim Potowski

Title: Professor at University of Illinois at Chicago

Presentation topic: No child left monolingual/Que ningún niño se quede monolingüe

The U.S. has always been a linguistically diverse nation, but the overall climate usually discourages and sometimes outright discriminates against the use of non-English languages. The grandchildren of immigrants often don’t speak their grandparents’ language anymore, which represents a huge loss to families and to the nation’s diversity. In addition, overall we don’t do a great job of teaching languages to monolingual English-speakers. This talk explores several myths about languages in the U.S. and presents arguments and strategies that favor promoting multilingualism among our population.

Los Estados Unidos siempre ha sido un país muy diverso en cuestión de lenguas, pero el ambiente general muchas veces desmotiva y hasta discrimina a la gente por hablar en lenguas que no sean el inglés. Los nietos de los inmigrantes frecuentemente ya no hablan la lengua de ellos, lo cual representa una pérdida enorme tanto familiar como a nivel de la diversidad de la nación. Además, muchos que hablan inglés no llegan a aprender bien otras lenguas. Esta charla explora varios mitos sobre las lenguas en Estados Unidos y presenta varios argumentos y estrategias que promueven el multilingüismo para toda la población.

Time of presentation:
English: 12:45 to 1:45 p.m.
2 to 3 p.m.

CLICK HERE to view the schedule.

Location of presentation: Room C2

Biography: Dr. Kim Potowski is Professor of Spanish linguistics and education at University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research focuses on Spanish in the U.S., including factors that influence language maintenance, as well as connections between language, education and identity. She began directing her campus’ Spanish Heritage Language Program in 2002 and is the founding director of its summer study abroad program in Oaxaca, Mexico. Her advocacy for the value of dual-language education in promoting bilingualism and biliteracy was the focus of her 2013 TEDx talk “No child left monolingual.” During her Fulbright year in Mexico (2011-2012), she studied the linguistic and educational experiences of U.S.-raised children whose families had returned to Mexico. She has authored and edited more than 12 books, including: El español de los Estados Unidos Heritage language teaching: Research and practice Language diversity in the USA and Language and identity in a dual immersion school ... as well as the Spanish textbooks Gramática y variación social and Conversaciones escritas. She is currently co-authoring a methods book written in Spanish for heritage language teachers.

To watch the presentation in English, click on the video at right (top).

To watch the presentation in Spanish, click on the video at right (bottom).


Ferney Ramirez

Title: Director of La Familia Primero Ferney Ramirez


The importance of parents in the success of children. Positive involvement helps motivate and make good decisions in your children's lives.

Time of presentation:
Spanish: 11 a.m. to noon (English translation will be provided)

CLICK HERE to view the schedule.

Location of presentation: Auditorium

Biography: Degree in Philosophy, Degree in Clinical Psychology, Master's Degree in Mental Health. Author of several books on motivation, personal growth and parenting.

To see the presentation in Spanish, click on the PowerPoint at right.

Ferney Ramirez presentation.pptx

Cristina Sanchez-Lopez

Title: Education Specialist at Illinois Resource Center

Presentation topic: Supporting Your Child's Academic Achievement

In this presentation, participants will learn about second language acquisition as well as ways to support children's multilingualism, multiliteracy and academic achievement at home.

Time of presentation:
English: 2 to 3 p.m.
12:45 to 1:45 p.m.

CLICK HERE to view the schedule.

Location of presentation: Warrior Room

Biography: Cristina Sanchez-Lopez collaborates with educators in the US and Canada on developing culturally and linguistically sustaining multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS); mathematics; literacy across the content areas; multilingual education; engaging parents, Multilingual Learners with Special Educational Needs, and supporting Pre-K educators who serve Multilingual Learners. Cristina has taught at the elementary, middle school and university levels in the US and Mexico. At present, Cristina teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of Biliteracy, Assessment, and Foundations of Language Minority Education. For more than 18 years, Cristina and her colleague, Theresa Young (Speech-Language Pathologist, Ontario, Canada) have collaborated to support school problem-solving teams as they develop more culturally and linguistically sustaining learning environments for multilingual learners. Cristina co-authored the book: Special Education Considerations for English Language Learners: Delivering a continuum of services (Caslon Publishing, 3rd edition, 2022), and is co-author of a book in the Oxford University Press Key Concepts series: Focus on Special Educational Needs (2018), as well as various articles and chapters on addressing Multilingual Education. Cristina and her husband have raised their daughter bilingually.

To watch the presentation in English, click on the video at right (top).

To watch the presentation in Spanish, click on the video at right (middle).

To view a handout from the presentation, click on the document at right (bottom).

English Recording CSL.mp4
Spanish session CSL.mp4
Handout CSL Parent Conference Spanish:English Aug 28, 2021 .pdf