DHS sport Roles and Expectations

Role of the coach includes:

Where there is more than one coach vying for the same team, a decision will be made by the DHS sport committee and the DHS sports Council.

Role of the Manager includes

Expectations of Players include

Expectations of Parents include

Skill Development 

When possible each coach will have access to a skill development session either before the season begins or during the season. Where appropriate the sports committee with meet and plan their player and team development for the season to ensure long term skill development for the players.


Many sports will have trials to ensure that students are placed in a team that best suits their skill level. The trial process will be fair and consistent, and based on the player’s current skill level. Sport skills develop at different rates for each individual, so the team a player was in last year is not necessarily where they will be placed the following year. Team selections are finalised by coaches and the sports committee. 

Multiple Codes

Students that play multiple winter sports in a season will be sent a form to complete to indicate which tournament that they wish to be considered for. Their intentions for tournament must be disclosed by Kings Birthday weekend.

Training Sessions 

Each team will have at least 1 training per week, some will have 2-3 depending on the level of competition, and coach and venue availability. The school will endeavour to offer players of winter codes the opportunity to attend preseason fitness and skill sessions. 


Players are asked to put in their best effort at the training sessions and to respect and listen to the coach at all times. Normal school expectations of behaviour and code of conduct are in place for sports trainings and games. This applies to Players, Coaches, Managers, Parents and Spectators. No negative language or attitude should be tolerated. If negative behaviour continues after a warning is given, the coach (or team manager) may contact the school (Teacher in Charge or Director of Sport). 

Winter/Summer seasons: 

The season in progress has priority with trainings and games. All pre-season training is secondary if it clashes with a summer or winter code that the student is already competing in, and the student is not to be penalised for this. Failure to adhere to this may result in students missing out on blues/bar awards and affect their tournament selection chances.


Dunstan High School asks that players show their commitment to their chosen sport by attending all trainings and games, and committing to the sport for the entire season. If a player is consistently not attending trainings or games, the coach or manager will alert the Teacher in Charge or Director of Sport.