Empowering learning in Africa

About Us


About Us

Lamuka is a commanding verb in the Giriama language that means "wake up"

Lamuka Hub is a Social Enterprise based in Mtondia Village in Kilifi County. It is located about a 100m from Mtondia Dispensary (popularly known as Bamako). It was founded by THK, a man passionate about empowering the youth through the use of the internet.

Amongst the social issues that Lamuka Hub aims to resolve are: -

  1. Spearhead the setup of Community Networks through its sister organisation - Dunia Moja Network

  2. Champion educating the rural youth on Digital literacy.

  3. Training teachers on skills of a 21st Century educator

  4. Partner with Vocational Training Centres to ensure the youth are exposed to the global village to make their trainings relevant in the 21st century