About us
DunDum Solutions Group provides business solutions for corporates to strategize and implement Corporate Sustainability, ensuring economic profit but also environmental, social and governance (ESG) good practice.
Established in 2015 as an eco-social enterprise, we were then named DunDum Limited, i.e. "don't dump limited resources", to symbolize deep passion in environmental protection, with our one stop solution on recycling, upcycling/ repurposing and green technologies implementation for corporates.
Years down the road, DunDum Solutions Group has now ventured into broader scopes of businesses covering 3 pillars namely 1) sustainability 2) biotechnology, 3) education and innovation. Primarily based in Hong Kong, we also have presences and projects in Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Israel, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Ireland, US and continuously expanding. We co-own 10+ humble small to medium ventures, and have served 100+ corporate clients and 1000+ individual clients.
DunDum Solutions is awardee & finalist at numerous business awards, start-up competitions and grants including: TIPS, Pitch Perfect, The Economist’s Tiger Lair Entrepreneurship Challenge, HKTDC-YBHK Entrepreneur Arena, Jockey Club-HKFYG Social Innovation Incubation Program, SOW Asia i2i Program- environment cohort; being featured and invited to be speaker at over 50 media and sharing sessions.
DunDum Solutions has been a recognized “Sustainable Product Supplier” by the Business Environment Council (BEC) Sustainable Consumption Program since 2018, has been recognized by Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence since 2020, has been listed on vet by the The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) to be listed on the latest Social Enterprises SE Directory since 2024, and has been a proud Green Member of the HKPC's ESG One community since 2024.
創辦自2015年,以環保社會企業起步,當時被命名為DunDum Limited,意指“don't dump limited resources”,即“不要浪費有限資源”,以表對環保推動的熱愛和決心,為企業客戶提供回收、升級再造和綠色技術實施的一站式解決方案。集團現在已涉足更廣泛的業務範圍,涵蓋三大支柱, 1) 可持續發展 2) 生物科技 3)教育與創新。集團主要以香港為基地,並在中國大陸、台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、以色列、奧地利、丹麥、瑞典、英國、愛爾蘭、法國、美國等地也有進行合作項目。我們共擁有 10 多家中小型企業,並為 100 多家企業客戶和 1000 多家個人客戶提供服務。
我們是許多商業獎項、初創企業比賽和資助項目的獲獎者和決賽入圍者,包括:TIPS、Pitch Perfect、經濟學人虎穴創業挑戰賽、香港貿發局-YBHK 企業家競技場、賽馬會-香港青年協會 社會創新孵化計畫、心苗亞洲 孵化至投資加速器計劃-環境隊列, 讓東登環創能夠在近半百個媒體和分享會上亮相並受邀演講。
DunDum Solutions是生產力局「ESG一站通」綠色會員,彰顯了我們對提升ESG意識及維持均衡商業生態圈的堅定承諾,共同創建綠色香港,創造互惠共贏的可持續營商生態環境。環境運動委員會 Environmental Campaign Committee HKAEE 香港環境卓越大獎 對DunDum Solutions 推動香港環保的認同和加許。DunDum Solutions 獲列載於香港社會服務聯會(社聯) 最新的《社企指南》。DunDum Solutions 獲商界環保協會認證「推動香港商界和社區的可持續消費」的「可持續產品供應商」。
DunDum Solutions is a proud Green Member of the HKPC's ESG One community since 2024.
This membership symbolizes our unwavering dedication to raising awareness and cultivating a harmonious ESG ecosystem. Moving forward, we will continue to make impactful contributions to society through a range of ESG initiatives within the ESG One community, generating lasting value for all our stakeholders – being sustainable!
DunDum正式成為 生產力局「ESG一站通」綠色會員,彰顯了我們對提升ESG意識及維持均衡商業生態圈的堅定承諾,共同創建綠色香港,創造互惠共贏的可持續營商生態環境!
DunDum Solutions is regconized by HKAEE since 2020.
Very proud to announce that DunDum Solutions has once again been regconized by HKAEE on our hard work to enviro-pro!
衷心感謝 環境運動委員會 Environmental Campaign Committee HKAEE 香港環境卓越大獎 對DunDum Solutions 推動香港環保的認同和加許!
DunDum Solutions is listed on the SE Directory.
DunDum Solutions is vet by the The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) to be listed on the latest Social Enterprises SE Directory!
本社企項目獲列載於香港社會服務聯會(社聯) 最新的《社企指南》!
DunDum Solutions is a recognized “Sustainable Product Supplier” since 2018.
DunDum Solutions is recognized by the Business Environment Council (BEC) Sustainable Consumption Program for fostering sustainable consumption among the Hong Kong business community.
Dundum Solutions之環保/可持續發展/ESG 有關服務:
🍀可持續發展/ESG 顧問 (策略與實施)
🍀環保品牌 (營銷與策略)
🍀ESG報告 (由香港中文大學認可之認證ESG規劃師簽發)
DunDum Solutions is listed on EforESG Directory.
DunDum Solutions is proud to be listed on https://eforesg.com/startup/list.php , a new platform developed by 青年創業軍 Youth Entrepreneur Warrior to feature ESG happenings, resources and consultancy services.
All of our work echoes the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs), particularly on
3. Good Health and Well-being;
4. Quality Education;
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth;
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure;
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities;
12. Responsible Consumption and Production; and
17. Partnerships for the Goals.