Additional Apps

The following are some additional Google Apps that are not a part of G Suite, but do provide additional functionality within the Google realm.

Khan Academy App - You can learn anything. For free. Forever.

Note: This is a mobile device app. If you try to install this app while on your laptop or desktop computer, it will try to load to your mobile phone. If you are on a Chromebook, it should install on the Chromebook.

Google Arts & Culture (app) - With Google Arts & Culture you can visit top exhibits, zoom in on artworks in mind-blowing detail and browse thousands of stories, photos, videos, and manuscripts. Be your own curator by finding your favorites, creating your own collections and sharing them with friends. Travel anywhere with tours of iconic sites, famous buildings and natural wonders, on your screen or in Virtual Reality (VR).

Note: This is a mobile device app. If you try to install this app while on your laptop or desktop computer, it will try to load to your mobile phone. If you are on a Chromebook, it should install on the Chromebook.