Good Morning. Today is June 11, 2020

Today is D Day. We have Art.

Epic, IXL and Brain Pop are fun sites for your children. They are interactive and challenging!

Please try at least twice per week to go on each site!


(some of the main idea videos are for the parents to understand what we mean)

Wednesday and Thursday I assigned this Ant story. We doubled up to finish by next week!!

I assigned a few pages as well so do what you can.

Unit 6.6. Question is:

How do ants build their nests?

Think about some facts you learned about ants.

Unit 6.3 question is:

How do beavers build their home?

This week we will focus on the main idea of a story. Non fiction stories always have a main idea.

Unit 6.3

  • Practice your power words by clicking HERE


silent e & long vowels

This week:

Make a list of 5 words with a silent e

Use these words in a sentence this week!


Capital letters start each sentence.

Neat writing

Finger spacing

End marks (. ? !)


Click HERE for some writing resources

Monday: Write your Weekend News and Illustrate it

See mine on our home page!


Pearson Math

  • Log into IXl work for 15 minutes in Math
  • Directions can be found on my "Log In Info" page
  • Brain Pop Jr has a pictograph assignment posted
  • Log in to

Monday: Topic 12.1 & 12.2

Tuesday: 12.3 skipped 12.4

Wednesday: 12.5 & 12.6

Thursday: 12.7 & 12.8

Friday Catch up

This may seem like a lot of Math but it is a review and each lesson has only a few sheets! Next week is testing and that's it! First Grade here they come!

Please practice counting daily! Tell me who can count to 100 by heart?

Can you count by tens by heart?

Keep practicing!

Listen to these songs,


Keep on Practicing!

The children only need to recognize a penny, nickel, dime and quarter. In Kindergarten they should be familiar with the coins and their value. When we teaching counting by fives and tens we say that is like counting nickels and dimes.


This week we will learn about a few different animals.

Monday: Listen and write two facts about Koalas.

Tuesday: click on the 3 links below to watch, learn and draw flamingos. Why are flamingos pink??

Wednesday: A Vist to the Aquarium

Thursday: Talk and read about Fish

The first one is a little easier to understand. Watch one or both to gather information.

You can draw a picture using the link below!