Dumas ISD

Local Assessments

This our 2021-2022 plan for all things Curriculum and Assessment in Dumas ISD for PK all the way to 12th grade. -->

Contact the curriculum directors if you have questions.

Lisa Hatley (PK - 4) and Nikole Foote (5 - 12) at (806) 935-6461.

Superintendent of Instruction is Kelly Legg.

Formative assessments are daily checks for understanding for our students' learning.

What is a Common Formative Assessment (CFA) vs a Benchmark vs a Unit Test?

This document below explains the differences.

Renaissance testing happens at least 3 times a year.

Contact Jenetta Baxter if you need ACCESS to the system.

Use CLEVER to access our district's access to the program.

Contact Frankie Blue if you have questions about why we do it.

Grades 5 - 12 Important Dates for Planning