
The workload is measured in ECTS credits and 60 ECTS as a full-time year of studies. The full-time student is expected to complete 60 ECTS credits in an academic year of app. 1620hr, which gives 50hr of student learning per week (1 ECTS = 27hr workload). Thus a 5 ECTS credit course equals 135hr, a 6 ECTS credit course 162hr and a 10 ECTS credit course 270hr.

 Per semester, the full-time student is expected to complete 30 ECTS credits in an academic semester of app. 810hr, which gives 50hr of student learning per week (1 ECTS = 27hr workload). Thus a 5 ECTS credit course equals 125hr

Formative assessment

Formative assessment includes all weekly assessments to activities, e.g., quizzes, assignments, reports, mini projects, seminars, presentations, etc.  The formative assessment is evaluated by 30 marks. The details of activities that are considered for the formative assessment are explained in the module description form that is shared with students at the beginning of each semester.  The student should achieve at least 25% of the formative assessment to be eligible to participate in the Final Exam.

 Summative assessment

The summative assessment includes the written mid-term Exam and the final-term exam.  The summative assessment is evaluated by 70 marks; 20 marks for the mid-term Exam and 50 marks for the final term Exam. The regulation of participating in the summative Exams is explained in the Examination Policy.