
Welcome students and parents!

I hope that you can find the information on my site helpful and enlightening. If you follow the tabs, you can find useful information like homework and project due dates, important dates for our school and around the community and what's happening in the classroom.

**If you are looking for the Digital Literacy Class, please CLICK HERE**

Scholastic Reading Club is a great way for students to pick out books they like monthly. It will also allow me to build my classroom library for the students. If you're interested in ordering new books, here is my unique code: P9ZXJ Scholastic Book Club

Quick Info:

  • For a list of Mrs. Rios's favorite books and other suggestions: Favorites!

  • I am collecting Box Tops and Prang Power UPCs


Email me at RiosSusie@dublinusd.org

Wells Middle School

**I want to give credit to www.unsplash.com and the bitmoji app for some awesome pictures included throughout my website!**