Philosophy of Education

"A person’s a person no matter how small."

​-Dr. Seuss

I understand that my philosophy on education may change and grow with my experiences. In the past I have personally experienced teachers who have made me feel happy, safe, and excited to learn. Based on these experiences, I believe that one of the strongest points in my philosophy is allowing students to ask questions in a safe environment. I want to foster a classroom environment where students can openly discuss without feeling hindered or shamed. It is important for students to have the means to succeed at becoming independent minded individuals. My goal is to create an environment where students can be free thinkers and express how they feel.

I strive to focus on these main points as an educator.

Caring​: To have someone that cares about you and wants you to succeed in life is one of the most necessary things to have as a child. As a caring teacher I hope to be the figure in my students' lives to whom they can come to for all problems, whether its related to school, home, or personal life. I hope to teach my students to become caring individuals themselves and show love and compassion for their peers.

Diversity: I come from a diverse background; my schema consists of multiple languages and cultures, and I believe that diversity allows students (and teachers) to grow and learn. Students should be exposed to different cultures and languages, and different personalities as well. As a teacher, I hope to show my students the importance of being perceptive to others, no matter what their gender, race, color, creed, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs are. ​

Lifelong Learners: I am an advocate for learning not just for the sake of the test, but for the sake of understanding the concept and questioning everything related to it. As an educator, I believe it is so important to never stop learning. There are always going to be mysteries to uncover in all corners of the world and I hope to inspire my students to try their best to discover them.

Respect: Before anyone can respect others it is incredibly important to learn how to respect yourself: this increases self esteem and builds confidence. I hope to model for my students constantly, that showing respect is a great way of communicating in order to build strong relationships with others.