Our Learning

Harvest Party Fun and More

In math we have been busy practing writing numbers 0-9. We have also been working together at recognizing numbers from 0-20 and building that number in a tower to create a city.  

In word study we have been learning about syllables, the letters, t, n, p, and a. We have also been listening and identify the sounds at the beginning of words.  In your child's book bag this week there is more information about what we have been learning.

In reading we continue to explore our classroom library. We have been talking about what we have been leanring in from stories. Many of the stories we have read help us to think about being brave, kind, and how to be helpful and listen. We also are enjoying out poem notebooks that has our class made alphabet and famliar poems that we have read together.

The Maize at Darby Creek

We have been busy...

We have been very busy in math these last couple of weeks. We played a game called "Roll the Die." This game teaches us counting and writing our numbers. Eventually we will not have to count the dots on the dice and just know it right away. We also learned another math game called "Fill the cup." In this game we roll a die with a partner and count and fill the cup with cubes. We work together as a team to fill the cup! In math this week we worked on recognizing number 0-12 and then putting that number of beads on the pipe cleaner flag. After that we then recorded on a paper what we did. This helped us with identifying numbers, counting, writing numbers and then being able to record that number on paper. 

This week we have been doing some guided drawing to learn how to draw different things. We have learned how to draw the pigeon, a car, a house, a tree and people. Learning how to draw some of these things will help us at writing time when we are drawing our stories. 

On September 15th it was Dot Day. Dot Day started because of the book "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds. This book teaches the kids about persevering and trying something that is hard and to not give up. On Friday we spent time exploring water colors as we painted circles that the kids made in celebration of Dot Day.

In writing we have been working hard at telling and drawing stories about our life. We have been learning from each other how to make people look like people.

Our First Few Weeks

We had a wonderful first couple weeks of school. We are learning the routines and how to take care of our room. We are doing lots of playing and problem solving together. We read some great books and we are learning that we are readers because readers look at the pictures. We also did some writing together too! 

We also had bus safety where we learned about all the ways to be safe on the bus and off the bus. We can't wait for another week of school!