DCS Resources

"The Dublin City School District will ensure every student is prepared for success" 

PERSONALIZED  Pathway Guidance

Students & Families - All students in grades 6-12 have access to SchooLinks career exploration assessments and tools, and students in grades 9-12 have YouScience interest and aptitude assessments.

Counselors - Have access to look up students on your caseload in both platforms to see their career assessment results. Knowing student strengths, interests, and career goals can help backwards plan the courses they can take to inform their future decisions. 


The graphic to the left represents a Japanese concept called "Ikigai" and this roughly translates to mean "one's reason for being".  It does not just refer to one's career, rather, their way of living.  It shows a sweet spot in the center that is the overlap of living one's passion, mission, profession, and vocation. This is our hope for all students at Dublin City Schools! We aim to prepare students to discover their strengths and interests while learning about the world and how they fit in. Each student is unique and has talents that have value to our world. Developing these talents happens over a lifetime, however, DCS provides a well-rounded curriculum with many options for personalization that begins in preschool and continues until graduation.

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