Coffman Track & Field and Cross Country
Dublin Coffman Track and Field and Cross Country
Please click on the track and field or cross country sub pages to view the schedule and get more information about each sport
Registering for Track and Cross Country
Athletes who want to compete in Track and Field or Cross Country need to sign up on Final Forms for the specific sport they are interested in trying out for (Cross Country, Outdoor Track and Field, and/or Indoor Track and Field). This process needs to be completed each season; signing up for one team/season does not add you on the roster for the others. Parents, please log in, sign your child up for the correct sport, and complete the online forms. If you have completed the forms previously, this is a fast process. After athletes have been signed up, they need to compelte the student forms. If athletes are not signed up on Final Forms, they cannot participate.
Staying Up to Date
Track: Please click on this link to request to join the Track and Field Google group for email updates.
Cross Country: Please click this link to request to join the Cross Country Google group for email updates.
Announcements: There will be a meeting for all students interested in competing in Track and Field (both indoor and outdoor) after school on Wednesday, November 29 in the lecture hall at 2:50.
To join the 2025 Dublin Coffman Track & Field Boosters, please complete the Booster form at DCHS 2025 DCHS Track & Field Boosters and submit the $50 fee/athlete ($80 for seniors, which includes a senior bannter) through:
Venmo @DCHStrackxcboosters
paypal @
Cash/Check please reach out to
To join the Dublin Coffman Cross Country Booster Club please complete the booster form at DCHS Cross Country 2023 Boosters and submit the $50 fee through Venmo at @DCHStrackxcboosters or paypal at:
Coach Emails
Head Girls Track and Field and Cross Country Coach Greg King
Head Boys Track and Field Coach James Legins
Head Boys Cross Country Coach Joe DePalma
For schedules use the link in the top banner for the specific sport pages.