
Abnormal Human Action (AbHA) Dataset

The Abnormal Human Action dataset (AbHA) Abnormal Human Action Dataset (AbHA) includes five commonly occurring abnormal actions in day-to-day lives of the elderly people: ‘chest pain’, ‘headache’, ‘fainting’ and ‘falling backward’ and ‘falling forward’. Each action is performed by eight different individuals and repeated two times. Hence, total generated samples are 80 (8×2×5). The dataset is captured by Microsoft’s Kinect depth sensor v1. The resolution of depth videos is 640X480. 20 skeleton joints are captured in 3D coordinate system ('action_1mainWorld.txt') and depth coordinate system (‘action_1mainM.txt’) for each frame. 


Chhavi Dhiman, D. K. Vishwakarma, "A Robust Framework for Abnormal Human Action Recognition using R-Transform and Zernike Moments in Depth Videos", IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 19, No. 13, pp. 5195 - 5203, 2019.Impact Factor: 3.073

Multi Crop Vegetable Fruits (Multi CVF) dataset 

A novel “Multi Crop Vegetable Fruits” (Multi CVF) dataset is collected that contains a total of 7500 images from 15 distinct classes representing crops vegetables and fruits. Each category contains 500 images. It contains two subsets- manually collected fruit, vegetable and crop samples as subset 1 and  automatically collected fruit, vegetable and crop samples subset 2. Subset 2 provides more challenging samples collected randomly originally captured at different scales from google search.

15 classes covered in both subset 1 and subset 2 are as follows:

12.  Rice crop

13.  Sugarcane 

14.  Walnut

15. Wheat

It is divided in train, val, test samples for both subsets.
