Create EC2 Virtual Machine

Practice Lab 1: Launching an EC2 Instance

Lab overview

In this lab, you create an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance that hosts a simple website.



This lab requires approximately 30 minutes to complete.


Access the AWS Management Console

Task 1. Start creating the instance and assign a name

Task 2. Application and OS Images

Task 3. Choose an instance type


Task 4. Choose a key pair

Task 5. Network settings


Task 6. Configure storage

Task 7. Advanced details


Task 8. Review the instance and launch

Task 9. Access your EC2 instance

When you launched your EC2 instance, you provided a script that installed a web server and created a simple webpage. In this task, you will try to access the content from the web server.


Task 10. Update the security group

You are not able to access your web server because the security group is not permitting inbound traffic on port 80, which is used for HTTP web requests. In this task, you update the security group.


Task 11. Create an inbound rule

Task 12. Test the rule

Lab complete

Congratulations! You have completed the lab.