7th Grade Introductory Spanish

The seventh grade World Language program at Dallas Middle School offers students a nine-week introduction to the Spanish language. The class meets two days out of the six-day rotation for one quarter.

During the marking period students will learn to :

Introduce themselves

Have a basic introductory conversation

Count from from 0 – 31

Identify the days of the week and months of the year

Give the current date and the dates of important events

Identify basic classroom objects and expressions

Student mastery is assessed by:

Oral assessment – dialogues

Oral assessment - pronunciation

Written test on basic, beginning conversations

Written test on days, months and dates

Class work/activities

Students are provided with a folder and handouts for the course, but should bring a pencil or pen to class every day.

Folders are kept in the classroom, but may be taken at any time. Students may also take individual papers home at any time they would like.

⇒ This is a very active class. Attention and participation in class are essential to success.