Family & Consumer Science

Learn About Mr. Kolankoski:

This is my eighteenth year in education and  third year at Dallas.  I previously spent fifteen years as a high school FCS teacher and a principal.

I am a 1997 graduate of Coughlin High School and a 2001 graduate of King's College.  I received my master's degree in school administration from Wilkes in 2014.

I am a USA Track & Field Level 2 Jumps coach and concluded my training in 2017 at Cal State Fullerton.  

I enjoy golfing, hunting, exercise, and watching sports.

Contact Info:

School Phone: 570-674-7243

Email: p k o l a n k o s k i @ d s d h s . c o m

Class Information

FCS 6 - The sixth-grade class will begin to take a close look at food and the reasons for making wise food choices.  Proper food handling, kitchen safety, and food preparation will be practiced.

FCS 7 - The seventh-grade class will continue to learn how to make wise food selections.  Reducing fat in the diet will be discussed and practiced in several food preparations keeping proper food handling, kitchen safety, and food preparation skills in mind.

FCS 8- The eighth-grade class will continue to learn how to make wise food selections. Reducing fat in the diet will be discussed and practiced in several food preparations keeping proper food handling, kitchen safety, and food preparation skills in mind.

STEM 6 - STEM 6 is an exploratory course in which sixth grade students will apply knowledge and skills that encompass scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical concepts.  Through use of the engineering design process, students will navigate several design challenges to develop a real world solution to S.T.E.M.-based problems. Each design challenge will require students to research, collaborate, design, construct, test, and evaluate a prototype that solves a proposed problem. The course will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis, which will allow for emphasis on creativity and innovation.

Money Matters 7 - Money Matters will address personal finance. Students will learn a budgetary process and apply finance concepts to a personal budget. Topics addressed will include salary, gross and net pay, taxes, and personal expenses. Overall, students will begin to become aware of real-life finance issues. The course will utilize the Junior Achievement Finance Park curriculum and culminate with an authentic personal budget experience at JA’s (virtual) facility.

Career Awareness 8 - Career Awareness provides eighth-grade students with the opportunity to explore careers.  Students evaluate their personalities, abilities, and interests to find careers which may be a

good fit for them. Through use of the Occupational Information Network (O*net), students complete a few online career-research activities that begin their career portfolio, which can be added to and revised throughout their high school experiences. Up-to-date information on hundreds of careers is available for student research. All Pennsylvania Standards in Career and Work are addressed in this course.


Day 1/2 

Period 1:  F&CS 8

Period 2: F&CS 6

Period 3: F&CS 7

Period 5: F&CS 8

Day 3/4

Period 1: F&CS 8

Period 2: F&CS 6

Period 3: F&CS 7

Period 5: F&CS 6

Period 6: F&CS 7

Period 7: Study Hall 8

Day 5/6

Period 1: F&CS 8

Period 2: F&CS 6

Period 3: F&CS 7

Period 7: F&CS 7