Problem Solving

Group 1 Day 5 and 6

Group2 Day 1 and 2



Problem #1

Use or Make A Table

Ann and Makiko like to swim laps at the community pool. They are swimming together today, but they are on different swim schedules. Ann swims every 3 days and Makiko swims every 5 days. How many times will they both be at the pool on the same day during the next ten weeks?

Problem #2

Use or Make A Table

It's here, the hottest item of the season, Rodney the Talking Robot! Rodney can keep anyone company, including the dog or cat. When the robots are made at the factory, they move along the conveyor belt and every 8th robot gets a blue control panel, every 3rd robot gets blinking green eyes, and every 4th robot gets a square head. If 150 robots come off the conveyor belt, how many will have all three: a blue control panel, blinking green eyes, and a square head?

Problem #50 TEST

Lupe and Elena were training for a mile swim. Each week they tried to get better times. The first week the best time for each of them was 70 minutes. Then Lupe had a best time of 66 minutes the second week, 67 the third week, 63 the forth week, and 64 the fifth week. Elena had a best time of 69 minutes the second week, 67 the third week, 66 the fourth week, and 64 the fifth week. If they continued at this same rate, who would have the best time after 12 weeks of training?

Problem #3

Make an Organized List

James ran down the stairs to the subway and got in line for a ticket. If the line didn't move fast, he and Tony would be late for the movie. James fumbled in his pocket and finally found a dollar. He gave the dollar to the ticket man, got his change of 36 cents, and sprinted for the subway car. What are the possible combinations of coins that James could have received for his change of 36 cents?

Problem #4

Make an Organized List

Senta and Maurice are lab partners in science class. Today they have to weigh liquid. They have a tray full of 80 weights that they can use. The weights are of four different kinds: 50 grams, 25 grams, 15 grams, and 5 grams. The first liquid weighs 85 grams. How many different combinations of weights will the scale for the first liquid?

Problem #60 TEST

Sidney remembered that next Monday is his favorite Uncle Wally's birthday. Sidney addressed a birthday card to Uncle Wally in Australia, and now he needs 32 cents to send it. At the post office there is a machine that dispenses stamps in denominations of 10 cents, 7 cents, 5 cents, and 2 cents. How many different combinations of stamps totaling 32 cents could Sidney put on the card?

Problem #5

Act Out or Use Objects

Andrea's Blue Ribbon Cars and Trucks is having a big sale. Mike and Don are setting up the lot. The boss gives them a diagram of a lot and these directions: Andrea put the 4-door car in front of the van. Put the jeep between the truck and the van. Put the sports car to the left of the 2-door and 4-door cars. How did Mike and Don set up the lot?

Problem #6

Act Out or Use Objects

You have been hired to supervise 22 fourth-graders who are visiting a haunted house at Halloween. You have a diagram of the house showing the control

booth where you will be sitting, hidden behind four two-way mirrors. One mirror is on each wall, and each mirror looks into three rooms. Mirror 1 looks into rooms A, B, C; mirror 2 looks into rooms C, E, H; mirror 3 looks into rooms F, G, H; mirror 4 looks into rooms A, D, F. What is a possible arrangement of the 22 students within the room, if you can see nine students through each of the four mirrors?

Problem #51 TEST

Heidi has a summer job at the Perfect Pie Shop. Benjamin, who runs the shop, told Heidi to arrange 6 freshly baked pies in the front window in the following way:

*pumpkin to the right of the chocolate

*chocolate across from the strawberry

*peach to the right of strawberry

*peach and apple not in the same row with the lemon

How did Heidi arrange the pies?

Problem #9

Use or look for a pattern

On July 5, in the area around Center Village, there was great excitement. Six different people reported to the police that they had seen Big-foot, the large hairy creature sometimes seen but never captured. The next day, twice as many people called the police, sure they had seen the creature. Each day the police received twice as many calls as the day before. After they got a total of more than 300 call, the police took the phone off the hook! On what day did the police receive their 300th call?

Problem #10

Use or look for a pattern

On the ancient island of Circulus archaeologist found a series of caves. In the first cave they found a circle with 560 stones. In the second cave they

found a circle of stones with 8 fewer stones than in the first cave. Each new cave had a circle with twice as many stones missing from the circle than in the previous cave. For example, in the third cave there were 16 fewer stones in the circle than in the second cave. If the stone circles continued in this way, which cave would have the last stone circle?

Problem #58

Test Problem

Willy the Wizard has a special hobby, Growing huge vegetables. His favorite is zucchini, which he likes to measure. He has one that started out 6 inches, then grew by 9 inches to be 15 inches on the second day. Each day the zucchini grew by the same amount as the day before plus another 3 inches. On what day would the giant zucchini be larger than 11 feet?

Problem # 13

Make a picture or Diagram

Gino and Mark had found all the things on the list for a treasure hunt and had only a few minutes to get to the finish point. But they were lost! Gino said, When we were at the bridge, we were 2 blocks west of the finish point. Can you remember where we went after that? Mark recalled that they had gone south 3 blocks, then they went to their left 5 blocks, left again for 2 blocks, then north for 1 block. What is the quickest route from where they are to finish point?

Problem # 14

Make a picture or Diagram

Darryl has a summer job with real ups and downs: he delivers packages in the Sears Tower in Chicago. On his first day, he is given a box of sandwiches to deliver during lunchtime. He takes the turkey sandwiches to an office 3 floors above the basement. He delivers the ham and cheese 13 floors above the turkey and 7 floors below the egg salad. He delivers the pastrami 9 floors below the ham and cheese and 8 floors below the submarine sandwich. What is the number of the floor to which Darryl delivered each sandwich?