
Course: Wellness II 2017-18

Instructor: Ms. Nancy Lee Roberts (nroberts@ d s d h s . c o m) Also the Dallas Athletic Director.

Course Description: This course is designed for 10th grade students. Specific areas of instruction will include nutrition, making healthy decisions, eating disorders and societies pressures and self esteem. This course includes the curriculum of infectious disease and the curriculum of the digestive system. Physical classes include, volleyball, golf, tennis, gator ball, pass ball, soccer-basketball, tennis- baseball, fitness center, basketball, wiffle ball, frisbee football, flag football. The course is specifically designed to deal with students physical, mental and personality development.

Requirements: Students are required to be prepared for class with a pencil, paper, notebook, lined paper, folder. For classes in the gym students are required to bring appropriate and comfortable clothes including clean, dry sneakers. All handouts and worksheets are required to be kept in the student folders and brought to and from class daily. Students that are medically excused from the class in the gym will do an alternative physical workout which will be mutually agreed upon by Ms. Roberts and the student. There may be times that the student is medically unable to participate at all as the health of the student is most important.

Class Format: Students have classes in the gym on Monday's and Wednesday's. Classes are in room 102 on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Absence: It is the responsibility of the student to find out what work was missed in class. Assignments that are yet to be completed due to absence have a three day school day window to complete. Assignments not handed in will receive a zero. Students receive 10 points each day in the class and gym. 3 points for being prepared, 3 points for attitude and effort, 3 points for patience in learning new games and skills, 1 point is given for punctuality in dressing for gym class as well as being prepared in the classroom.