Classroom Information

Daily Routine:

Each student is expected to:

1) Arrive to class on time.

2) Come prepared to class with his/her notebook, homework, and a pencil.

3) Have his/her homework ready to be checked when the bell rings.

4) Complete the problem(s) of the day located on the whiteboard.


Grades are determined by a point system.

Tests and quizzes: approximately 300 points

Homework: approximately 100 points

IXL assignments: approximately 50 points

Notebook: approximately 30 points

TOTAL POINTS: approximately 480 points

Tests and Quizzes:

All tests and quizzes are derived from problems solved in the notebook and homework assignments. Tests and quizzes will be announced in google classroom, the classroom whiteboard, and verbally to the students by me. A review sheet will be provided to students before every test. The review sheet is identical to the test and should be used as a study guide. If a student misses instructional time he/she will not be required to take the test on the test date. If a student fails a test, he/she has the opportunity to retake the test. Retakes are given at the teacher’s discretion. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule the retake.


Each homework assignment is worth 4 points. Homework assignments will be posted in google classroom and on the classroom whiteboard. Late homework will NOT be accepted for any reason. Assignments not turned in at the beginning of class on their due date will be recorded as a zero. Partial credit will be given at the teacher’s discretion. Students that are absent should check google classroom for their assignment.

IXL assignments:

Each IXL assignment is worth 4 points. Students will be required to reach mastery for credit. Assignments not turned in on their due date will be recorded as a zero. Half credit will be given on completed assignments that are turned in late.


Every student must maintain a notebook for the entire year. Notebooks are expected to be organized. The notebook should be separated into three sections (notes, worksheets, problem of the day). A notebook quiz will be given at the end of each chapter. A sample notebook is on display in the classroom.

Online Grade Access:

Test and quiz information will be updated as soon as the assessment is graded. Grades will typically be posted the day after the assessment. Homework is updated on a daily basis. Grades will only be updated to CSIU.

Progress Reports:

Every student will be issued a progress report approximately half way through each quarter. The progress report must be signed and turned in the following day. The progress report will include all homework assignments, quizzes and tests to date.


Every student is assigned a classroom calculator during the school year. The calculators are to remain in the classroom at all times.


Upon return to school, 3 days will be given to make up any graded assignments. Graded assignments include homework, tests/quizzes, notebook quizzes, and IXL assignments. Failure to complete the missing assignments will result in a zero. It is the student's responsibility to turn in missed work. Students should check google classroom for their assignment(s).

Extra Credit:

There is no extra credit.

Electronic Devices:

Electronic devices are NOT allowed in the classroom. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Food and Drinks:

Food is NOT allowed in the classroom. NO EXCEPTIONS! Drinks, other than bottled water, are not permitted in the classroom.