PE Procedures & Expectations


Dear Parents/Guardians:

It is my pleasure to have your child in physical education class this year. It’s my goal for every child to feel successful and learn how to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Physical education class is a great place to foster student honesty, integrity and sportsmanship. I have established a positive, safe learning environment for all students to become successful at a variety of activities while being encouraged to have fun and participate to the absolute best of their ability.

At Dallas Intermediate your child will have physical education class once a week for 42 minutes. Your child’s classroom teacher will let you know what day of the week he or she has P.E. class. This information is also listed on the physical education google classroom as well as the class schedule tab on my webpage. It is required that all students be prepared to participate in class by wearing socks, sneakers and appropriate gym attire. Please help your child remember to be prepared for gym day!

Grading policy in elementary physical education class is based primarily on three areas:

*Participation- appropriate gym clothes and sneakers

*Attitude- good sportsmanship is required at all times!!

*Effort- giving your best!

If your student cannot participate due to an illness or injury a note must be sent to school. A doctor’s note is needed if more than 2 consecutive classes are missed. I will also need to be aware of a doctor’s release to participate upon completion of treatment of injury or illness. When possible an alternative activity that does not involve the injury will be provided.

Please encourage your child to be active at home, after school and on the weekends!!

If you have any questions throughout the year, please contact me at...

Michelle Bryant

Physical Education Teacher-Dallas Intermediate (3-5)

Wellness Teacher-Dallas Cyber (9-12)