Supply List


Students will all have a classroom binder for materials that will stay in the class. All the resources in the binders will be available online on Google Classroom. If your child would like to bring their own binder to leave in my room instead of the one provided, they may do so. Please get a one inch binder. Supplies your child should have daily are a charged Chromebook, pencil, and their binder (left in class).  

Wish List

We tend to use a lot of paper and pencils. If you’d like to donate to the class, the following items would be greatly appreciated. Thank you =)


Accelerated Reader/Homework: Nightly homework in reading will be for each student to read for about 15 minutes, something they can enjoy. It can be a book, graphic novel, magazine article, recipes, manuals to electronics, etc.  As long as they are reading something that you approve of, it will count. In class, they will be going to the library for Accelerated Reader (AR) books. They will be required to read and take AR tests. The goal is to get students to read and practice in order to help improve their reading skills. 

Classroom Supplies: Students are required to bring a charged Chromebook, pencils, and an Accelerated Reader book (after our first trip to the library, or they can bring one from home if it’s on the AR list) to class daily. 

Wish List: We tend to use a lot of paper and pencils. If you’d like to donate to the class, the following items would be greatly appreciated. Thank you =)