When will my student take Tech. Ed?

All Dallas Middle School students will be enrolled in Tech. Ed. for the duration of one quarter in 6th, 7th, and Engineering Design for one semester in 8th Grade.

What will I be doing in Tech Ed?

Tech Ed. is a hands on course in which the main activity of the class is manufacturing a project.

6th grade works with Acrylic plastic on a project of the instructor's choice.

7th grade will work with wood on a project of the instructor's choice.

8th grade will be utilizing 3D computer aided design software (CAD) and prototyping with 3D printers and laser technology.

What is the MOST IMPORTANT part of Tech Ed?

The number one priority and most important part of our class is SAFETY!

In class, extensive safety instruction is given and close supervision is maintained to achieve the highest level of safety possible in the shop.

Projects are also based on an appropriate skill level for the grade and age of the student.