Technology Ed. and Engineering

Mr. Mentrikoski's Tech and Engineering classes are hands-on courses in which students design, engineer, build, and create. The classroom environment is filled with shop tools, design and prototyping equipment, and industrial materials. These resources give the students a unique opportunity to safely learn by working with their hands and their brains!

Class Schedules:

Tech Ed. 6, 7 classes are for a one quarter duration. Classes are also on a 2 day rotation schedule. So, a student in Tech Ed. will report to class on cycle day pairs 1+2, 3+4, or 5+6 for the length of their scheduled quarter.

Engineering Design 8 classes are also conducted on a 2 of 6 day rotation cycle and are for a one semester duration. (2 quarters)

Contact Mr. Mentrikoski: j m e n t r i k o s k i @ d s d h s . c o m