Chorus Syllabus


1. Students come to class prepared (with a pencil, chromebook and music folder) and find assigned seats.

2. Once the bell has rung, talking is the teacher’s responsibility. 

3. Chewing gum is not permitted, nor is eating food or sugary drinks.  Water is allowed.

4. Keep your hands, folders, and pencils to yourself.  

5. Students will arrive on time.  If you are late, you must have a pass.



1. Your first offense will result in a verbal warning.

2. Your second offense will result in a conference with Mrs. Baker after class.

3.  Your third offense will result in a phone call home.

4. Your fourth offense will result in a conference with Mr. Shaffer.

** If an offense is severe enough, an office referral will occur immediately. **


Chorus is a performance ensemble and attendance at our concert is required.  Concert absences MUST be accompanied by written notice prior to or as soon as possible following the absence. Make-up work (essay based on concert material) will be discussed and assigned.  Please add our concert date to your family calendar and make every effort to avoid scheduling conflicts.  Notice will be sent home as the concert date approaches.  


Grading System

Chorus will be graded on a point system (100 points total). Below is a list of the graded areas and the maximum points granted for each assignment:

 *Music Theory Assignments – First and third marking periods (30 pts)

OR Concert Attendance – Second and fourth marking period (30 pts)

Singing Test – Two tests/quarter, in class/submittable online (30 pts)

*Music History Assignments – Many small assignments per quarter, in-class/online (10 pts total)

*Participation – Students earn 2 points per class period (30 pts)

*Subject to change based on school schedule


I, _______________________________________, have read and understand the rules set forth by Mrs. Baker for Chorus.  I agree to abide by these guidelines and I understand that any infraction of these rules may result in the notification of my parent/guardian and/or disciplinary actions by Mrs. Baker and/or Mr. Shaffer.

I also realize that my education is, in part, my responsibility and I will make every effort to be a productive member of Mrs. Baker’s class and the Dallas Middle School.


Student Signature _______________________________________________           Date _____________


Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________________________ Date ____________                              


__________________________________________                              _________________________

(Parent Email)                                                                (Parent Phone Number)


 I have chorus the following days and period (circle one per line):


Days 1&2                                               Days 3&4                                         Days 5&6


Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5


*** Please return to Mrs. Baker by the next chorus class as your first graded assignment. ***