Grade-Level Information

5th Grade Information

  • An orientation program is held in May of each school year to assist incoming 5th grade students and their parents/guardians with transitioning to the Middle School. The orientation begins with the Middle School Counselors informing students of Middle School procedures, rules, classes, schedules, etc. The students will then get a tour of the building and meet the Principal.

  • Parents/Guardians are invited to attend a summer orientation program at the Middle School with the Principal, that includes an introduction of 6th grade teachers, a brief description of courses and programs, followed by a tour.

  • During the school year, the Middle School Counselors, Principal, Chorus teacher, and Band teacher meet with 5th grade students at DIS and go over information about their music selection for 6th grade. The students then choose which music class they would like to have in 6th grade at home after talking with their parents/guardians.

6th Grade Orientation

  • The Middle School Counselors meet with 6th grade students in small groups at the beginning of the school year for the purpose of providing them with information in regard to guidance services. The purpose of these sessions is to familiarize the students with the role of the middle school counselor, the services that they are offer, and to help them feel comfortable about stopping in to talk if they have questions or concerns during the school year.

7th Grade Self-Perception

  • The Self-Perception course is part of the 7th grade curriculum and is scheduled for one class period during the 6 day cycle for one semester. This course is designed to help middle school students understand and cope with problems that arise as a result of the physical, emotional, and social changes which occur at this time in their lives. Students will discover how to identify individual strengths, cope with pressures, and overcome obstacles in order to become productive members of society. Some of the topics include; developing and maintaining healthy friendships, improving self-confidence, coping skills, dealing with peer influences, cyber safety, career exploration, teasing and bullying.

8th Grade Information

  • The Middle School Counselors give a presentation and assist the 8th grade students with course selections and scheduling for 9th grade whether or not they will be attending Dallas High School or West Side Career and Technology Center. Students are strongly encouraged to maximize their academic potential and focus on future goals to prepare for life after high school.

  • The Middle School Counselors work with West Side Career and Technology Center (WSCTC) to schedule a presentation at DMS for all 8th grade students to learn about WSCTC and their offerings. Interested 8th grade students can sign-up for a tour of WSCTC on a designated date. Interested 8th grade students can then sign-up for a job-shadow day, where they are able to shadow 2 programs they are interested in on a designated date. Parent permission is needed for both the WSCTC Tour and WSCTC Job-Shadow Day.