DSBN Summer School Courses

Expectations for  DSBN Summer School Students

There is a strict expectation for students to be available and engaged in the learning for their course/credit.

Given the compressed timeline, there is a 6 hour time commitment per day to achieve the Ministry's hours of instruction.

Do not register if you are planning holidays, vacations, or have considerable employment commitments (outside of co-op placements) that will coincide with the session's timelines

Remember - this is an optional opportunity - summer school is NOT a requirement!

All courses are run as asynchronous eLearning courses only.  Registrants must ensure that they will be able to access the internet.

Signing up for summer school is a commitment. Students and their families are responsible to meet the time requirements and work through the learning tasks to earn the credit for their chosen courses. 

Click on the link to find course descriptions for all Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum:  Ontario Curriculum & Course Descriptions 

Summer School Options: 

New Credit = A new credit (!); you must have completed the prerequisite course (if applicable)

Co-op Credit(s) = 1 or 2 new credits; you must have a job placement already confirmed, one is not found for you (unlike in-school co-op)

Boot Camp = Upgrading a credit that has already been achieved in English, Math, Science, Social Science

Credit Recovery = Recovering a credit that was not achieved (e.g. below 50%); students cannot register for credit recovery - please speak with Mr. Onclin.


Click HERE to Register for CO-OP Summer School (1 or 2 credits)

Click HERE to Register for Boot Camp Summer School

Summer School Credit Recovery - Please see Mr. Onclin (Student Success Teacher) 

Registration closes @ noon on May 24th.