
Course Plan Submissions in Xello Opens Feb. 2nd, Closes Feb. 12th.  

Please know that by submitting the Course Plan, the understanding and expectation is that parents/guardians and students have reviewed, and approve, these course requests.  

There is no paper copy to submit!

Look for the Xello link in D2L under "External Tools"

Xello is the platform that students use for their high school and post-secondary planning.

It is also an excellent resource when trying to determine what types of occupations you might be interested in pursuing beyond SWC.

SWC students access their Xello account directly through their e+Learning/D2L account.  A quick tip for students from students:  Just Google "dsbn elearning"!

Xello has many tools to assist students and families with planning pathways and courses in high school. 

XELLO Course Planner Videos

The following links will bring you to Youtube videos that can be helpful when selecting your courses in XELLO:

Introduction to the Course Planner

Planning Your Courses in XELLO


Removing an Elective Course from the Course Plan

Click on the link below to access the instruction sheet on how you can remove a course that is already in your course plan.

Removing Courses from A Course Plan 

When choosing your courses please...

SELECT FROM the Grade Elective/Alternate links on the right hand side and DISREGARD the Grade column on the left hand side.  This column is a default setting put in by XELLO and should not be used as a resource for course selection.