
Welcome to the Ultimate Frisbee team information page.

If you have any questions please contact Mr. T: stephen.thompson@dsbn.org

Please get into the habit of checking your SCHOOL EMAIL, as that is how we will communicate with you throughout the season


What is Ultimate

Ultimate is a COED activity that alternates between three and four boys and girls playing on the field at the same time. 

The sport of Ultimate promotes the idea of Spirit of The Game. We seek to encourage a competitive environment, with a high level of sportsmanship in between other teams.

Competition and Practice Schedule 2023



Eden has had a club since 2010.

In 2019 Ultimate became an official OFSSA sport. Eden has the honour of being the first ever ZONE 4 champions. 

Here at Eden we will have at least two teams: A recreational team and a competitive team. 

We hope to go to at least three tournaments and potentially more depending on how far the competitive team goes. 


Practices will occur at lunchtime twice per week, until field space is available outside and the weather is compliant.

It is expected that you will attend practices, particularly if you want to be on the competitive team. If you are playing a secondary sport in the spring that's OK. Please communicate this with us and what you are able to attend. This is why we often have practice at lunch, so it does not conflict with after school. Again, if you want to be on the competitive team a higher level of commitment is expected. 

Tournaments Notes


There will be a fee for Tournaments and Travel. Shirts and discs can also be purchased. Both will be collected through Cash Online:

$25 Busing/Tournament Fees

$20 Disc (optional)

$20 Shirt (optional)



Permission to Participate

Please make sure that you have completed form through Cash Online.

