Upcoming Meetings & governance

Upcoming Meetings

Monthly Working Group Meetings

Our working group meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month! At working group meetings we have political education on issues related to abolitionist organizing and we do collective work on the Working Group's projects. You can register for general meetings at this link

Abolition Study Group

The study group is open to anyone interested in political discussion and developing an analysis of these developments from an abolitionist and socialist perspective. Past topics include safety and accountability in movement spaces, Stop Cop City, and Abolish ICE. Find a list of events and register at this link

Accountability and Conflict Skill-share Group

This group has regular discussions about how to deal with conflict in movement spaces and how to have accountability from an abolitionist perspective.


Abolition Bylaws Draft


Events on the below calendar have been created bythe National Abolition Working Group. If you would like to add an event to this calendar, please email abolition@dsacommittees.org

To view the NAWG Member Calendar directly inside your own Google Calendar (note: it will remain a distinct calendar separate from your own personal calendar, that you can show and hide as needed): log in to your Google account, visit calendar.google.com, and subscribe to the NAWG Member Calendar using this link. You can read detailed instructions here