Forensic Evaluations and Counseling

Forensic psychology is a specialized field in which the practice of psychology meets the law. Dr. Hamilton applies his knowledge of psychological principals to legal and criminal justice issues, working in various capacties  to provide his expertise in both civil and criminal cases. 

Evaluation and Assessment 

The primary purpose of forensic mental health evaluations is to provide expert opinions and information to the legal system. They are often used to assist judges, attorneys, and other legal professionals in making decisions related to criminal and civil cases. Dr. Hamilton uses a variety of assessment tools and methods, including face to face interviews, pyschological testing, review of records and collateral information collected from other sources. 

Expert Witness Testimony

Dr. Hamilton provided his services as an expert witness to assist the court in understanding mental health and psychological issues and factors relevant to a case, such as criminal behavior, mental health, and the assessment of individuals involved in legal matters. This includes criminal evaluations, competency assessments, risk assessments, pschological profiling, child custody evaluations, and more

Forensic Evaluations for Criminal Responsibility for Criminal Law Cases

Forensic Evaluations for Civil Law Cases: