Reconstructive Care

Reconstructive and Elective Plastic Surgery Care

Craniofacial Care

Craniofacial surgery addresses concerns with the soft tissue and bony structures of the facial skeleton and jaws. Whether the need for surgery arises from a traumatic event or normal variability in the facial structure, Dr. Brown has a special interest in craniofacial surgery. Indeed, he completed a fellowship focused on adult craniofacial trauma and paediatric congenital anomalies at the University of Washington, training under some of the global leaders in this field.

Hand & Wrist Surgery

Dr. Brown provides care for individuals who may have injured their hands or wrists. Some injuries that Dr. Brown commonly sees are broken bones in the hand or wrist, nerve injuries as well as tendon injuries. He also provides a spectrum of treatment for degenerative diseases, such as arthritis.

Breast Surgery

Breast health is an important area of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Brown provides elective care, including breast reductions and revisionary procedures. In addition, Dr. Brown works closely with Oncology specialists to provide breast reconstruction after cancer. Dr. Brown offers extended appointments to discuss the many reconstructive options after cancer.

Reconstructive Microsurgery & Cancer Reconstruction

Some large injuries require specialized techniques to help repair damage to the body's tissue or to reconstruct a part of the body. These techniques are very delicate and require a high degree of technical skill and patience. These surgeries typically take place after a major trauma or illness, such as a car accident or cancer.

Lumps, Bumps & Skin Cancer Care

Skin abnormalities and infections may be very benign or may be more worrisome. Dr. Brown is happy to provide care and excision of such skin abnormalities, such as moles, lipomas, cysts and skin cancers. He welcomes referrals for skin cancer excision or other skin concerns.


Dr. Brown is an active surgeon in the immediate care following a severe burn at the Burn Treatment Centre of the Foothills Hospital.