cyber bullying

Being bullied can make you feel upset, lonely, isolated or worried about telling someone what’s happening. If you’re being bullied online, by text message, on a social network or in a game it might feel like there is no escape. It can be scary too if you don’t know who’s being nasty or why.

Whatever has happened, online bullying can be stopped.

If you are being bullied it’s NEVER OK. It’s not your fault and you have the right to get help to make it stop.

There are a lot of different ways to cope with bullying, an important first step is to tell someone what’s happening.

You might not feel ready to talk to an adult, but do speak to a friend. Or, if you want to talk to someone who doesn’t know you, you can talk to someone at Childline confidentially by calling 0800 1111.

  • Don’t retaliate or sink to the level of the bullies.
  • Don’t feel it’s ever your fault, it isn’t. There are many reasons why people bully, but it is never your fault.
  • Don’t believe the things they are telling you, they are not your friends and do not have your best interests at heart.
  • Don’t take your feelings out on others even if the bullying is making you feel or frustrated.
  • Don’t be a bystander: if you see someone being bullied report it and tell them they can get help at Childline