online Gaming

in gaming you are playing a gaming that you like you may win you may lose remember it is a game DO NOT COPY WHAT YOU PLAY it might play games with guns do not communicate with people you dont know.To add an extra dimension to the multiplayer element, players often communicate via integrated chat or verbally with microphone or a headset. Many games – from simple chess and cards to first-person shooting and adventure games where thousands of players participate at the same time – include these features. Increasingly, online games involve spending real money to purchase in-game property.

these are just a few online games you might enjoy they are both game are REALLY good.

The internet is a great way to connect with your friends and learn new things. But it's also important to stay safe.

the action or practice of playing video games or role-playing games on the Internet.

"this view holds that the virtual world of online gaming is dominated by men"

  • the action or practice of playing gambling games on the Internet.
  • "the question remains whether online gaming will be regulated nationally