"Open our minds to discover new things about you and the world." - Sacred Heart Mission Prayer
What is Computing?
Computing as a curriculum subject is concerned with how computers and computer systems work; how computers are programmed; and how we can use computing technologies safely and creatively.
We now live in an information age and digital technologies are impacting and changing the way society lives and develops at an alarming rate. The generation of children we teach are often described as Digital Natives, connected to the Internet of Things. We must strive to equip them to be able to participate fully and safely as citizens of this new connected world. We use technology to promote initiative and independent learning across the curriculum. A focus on computing equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.
At Sacred Heart School we base our planning on the 2Simple Computing Scheme of Work. The scheme of work we follow is aligned with the National Curriculum requirements for computing and ensures progressive, comprehensive curriculum coverage across all year groups. Computing is taught by a subject specialist teacher and by class teachers.
Early Years
Computing forms part of the 'Understanding the World’ EYFS Development Matters Framework. This is taught through the use of the classroom computers, recording devices, programmable toys and machines. It is both integrated into other subjects and is taught as a specific subject in the Summer Term in preparation for their transition to KS1.
KS1 and KS2
Each KS1/2 class has a dedicated computing teaching slot each week. Children are taught, in class, using shared sets of Chromebooks. Each child has access to their own device and each has their own Google Workspace profile and access to other learning platforms. There is regular usage of iPads/Chromebooks in other subject areas e.g. subject research or learning support apps such as Reading Eggs and Times Tables Rockstars.
The curriculum overview below illustrates the breadth of teaching in computing covering the three main strands:
Computer Science
Information Technology
Digital Literacy
Computing has a high profile at our school. Children are confident using a wide range of hardware and software, and are diligent learners who value online safety and respect when communicating with one another.
In Sacred Heart you will see,
Proficient users of technology who are able to work both independently and collaboratively.
Computing hardware and software being utilised to enhance the learning outcomes of our children, across the curriculum.
Clear progression in technical skills.
A learning buzz as children engage in programming and creative activities using digital technologies.

Curriculum Overview