Being Safe On The Internet

The Internet is big and has lots of scams etc be safe online.To be safe online look down.

  1. Know the scams. ...
  2. Think before you click. ...
  3. Safely peruse. ...
  4. Shop safely. ...
  5. Protect your info. ...
  6. Watch your Wi-Fi connectivity. ...
  7. Install a firewall. ...
  8. Keep up to date

Make sure you follow these steps and watch the videos so you cannot get hacked on your bank account and etc.The most important rule is Think before you click.Now you need good wi-fi.

Now the firewall and protecting your computer.

Improving WiFi reception at home

  1. Put large furniture along the exterior walls of your home. ...
  2. Minimize mirrors. ...
  3. Place your router to maximize effectiveness. ...
  4. Make your reception even bigger with a repeater or a wireless bridge. ...
  5. Change from WEP to WPA/WPA2.
  1. Open Windows Firewall settings. For a PC, open the Windows Firewall by clicking the Start button on the bottom-left corner of your desktop. ...
  2. Activate firewall on a Mac. Select System Preferences from the Apple menu, and click Security. ...
  3. Configure firewall settings.