10th Grade

Rough draft (Empowerment Speech)


The topic I chose for my empowerment speech is that the American education system is failing us. I chose this topic because I feel as though it isn't talked about enough and there is so many issues that get overlooked because everyone is worried about the wrong things now. 


For my class 3B we had the task of creating 1 dish from different food items from the eastern hemisphere in under 20 minutes. Our group's items were: grapes,bread,rice, yogurt, sweet yams, and bacon. Our meal was named The perfect valentine breakfast where we had heart-shaped bacon sandwiches, bacon wrapped candied yams, rice with yogurt and grapes on top. 




Shiloh Tom - Charcoal Drawings

Charcoal slide show

We were given the task of drawing 3 charcoal illustrations. Each of them ranged from half portaits of people, landcapes, to people doing certain gestures. 

Copper Art

Before I explain what we did, This is NOT my work . I wasn't here the day we made these Therefore, I wasn't able to make copper art and Im using someone else's work to show what mine would've looked like. Anyway, this the copper art we did in class, we held a sheet of copper over a flame; oxidizing it, creating copper oxide  ( the formula for Copper Oxide is CuO ) The flame changed the color of the copper on the parts where the flame touched it as shown on picture. 

Shiloh Tom - "I Am" Poem

I Am Poem

The Joy Luck Club

Joy Luck Club Slide Presentation 

This is my group's and I slide show summary on the pages that were given(34-64) to us from the book Joy Luck Club . Although figuring out what to write for our slides was very challenging I think it was a good practice for my patience and also helped me to learn how to work  under pressure/stressful situations. I also enjoyed reading the book it was  very captivating but what I really liked about the book was learning about a different culture. I didn't however enjoy the teaching aspect of this project due to my group members lack of preperation before we had to go up and present I think if we would've reharsed more the outcome would've been more profesional.

Shiloh Tom - Written Communication: Illustrating a Principle of Design

Principles of Design Drawing

 What I decided to illustrate was a scenic landscape with mountains, trees, bushes, and a flowy waterfall. Using different colors helped to create a fun unique eye catching drawing. The list of principles of design that I used was : repetition, proximity, trees, size ,color, and line. Although there is a long list, the one I used the most out of all Is repetition and color, repetition because the repetition of lines in my drawing helped to visually create movement without anything physically moving and color because color helps to create eye candy and shades of different colors can help to create dimension in my art. I really enjoyed creating the illustration however I could not finish before class was over but here is my progress!

Shiloh Tom - Deeply Rooted


Deeply Rooted was a whole grade level project for 2nd quarter, which sought to answer how symbols can reflect cultural differences and similarities. We researched the use of symbols around the world and came up with our own symbols that reflect our modern lives. In art class, we created handmade paper and Borax crystals which we used to make symbols. I chose to make a star, which to me it symbolizes how everyone is a star while beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Bending the paper was difficult and next time I would like e of the beholder. to make it bigger and possibly add more color contrast to make it noticeable in the PBL. On the day of the showcase, our work was featured alongside performances representing cultures around the world.


Deeply Rooted PBL Showcase

This is the 10th grade "Deeply Rooted" PBL showcase. It was all about the different cultures around us and our backgrounds (roots), so we came up with the idea to turn our PBL into a beautiful scenic area with vines and a giant tree. The video above is a short clip of the entire PBL after it had been designed.

ChemVas Typography 

This is my ChemVas typography. Here I demonstrated how chemistry and art go together in SKetch.io. This project was very fun and easy to do because I learned so much. I used both elements in this. Chemistry and art are very connected and important together.

Shiloh Tom - student reflection.pdf

Student Reflection 

( Woman King )

I really enjoyed the film WOMAN KING. It was a very empowering movie and it showed the importance of knowing your roots without boring anyone. 

picture of me helping 

structure picture 

We have been learning about the life of ancient civilizations like Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, ancient china, and ancient India. Like their architecture and daily life also how the civilizations developed. Today we did a project to create structures out of bamboo and also make mud bricks. I observed how the tasks were a lot harder than it would seem. I learned how to create mudbricks and how to create a structure out of just string and bamboo. In one of my art classes we will be making pottery and that will help with helping me see how the people who lived in these ancient civilizations worked in their day to day. This experience really helped me to see how these people had to work the fend for themselves and others.

mud brick picture

Element Tile

I made this Element tile using clay, different colors, and my creative thinking.

I was given the element Magnesium then I went to google and searched for

 magnesium to see anything that I could put on the tile. I ended up with watermelon because 

Magnesium is found in it. The first step I took to create it was to roll the clay into a ball using slip to smoothen it out easier, next I grabbed a rolling pin and rolled it out to a flat slab, then I outlined a square with a sharper tool and cut the square out, then I scored and slipped where I wanted the Element symbol and used slip to add it on, finally, I scored and slipped the watermelon and set it into the kiln. Once it was dry I glazed it with the colors I wanted, the background was black, the watermelon was green and red, and the words were light blue. It was a tedious task but I completed it and enjoyed the outcome. The most challenging part for me was The scoring and slipping I don’t think I did it as well as I could've because I was rushing and I wish I had taken more time. The clay goes through a chemical change when In the bisque fire, it changes from soluble clay to hard insoluble ceramic. And in the glaze fire, stoneware and porcelain clay transform from porous bisque ware to a dense watertight vitreous ceramic.

Chemistry Density Paint Pour

The colors black, pink, light green, and purple were utilized for my chemistry density paint pour. I would say that the middle of the canvas has the densest paint, and the corners have less concentrated paint.

I  decorated a room on the art steps website, on each wall in the room I went into detail about each component of the wheel.

Click the word " Wellness Wheel" to take you to my room  ( it will take you to a page that says this link will take you to -https://www.artsteps.com/curate/62fb8a6e1e34fd34bc0fc0dd/3- just press the link it shows on the page )

This room. was decorated with my strengths and weaknesses, lifestyle factors, etc. It goes into detail and explains everything with pictures and videos.

Click the word " Wellness Wheel" to take you to my room  ( it will take you to a page that says this link will take you to -https://www.artsteps.com/curate/62fb8a6e1e34fd34bc0fc0dd/3- just press the link it shows on the page )

It's all elementary

I created this artwork on the website Sketch.io where I added the elements of art, Shape,  value, and line. I choose only black, grey, and white for the colors due to the fact that the element Argon is colorless. For the design patterns I used spirograph, spiderwebs, spirals, calligraphy, and spray paint. Also, Argon is a gas so the layers of grey shades gives off the gas affect. 

Identity Portrait 

For this assignment, I used the website Photo Editor: pixlr to create my own portrait of things about me! Such as:

View Work - BrainPOP.webm

Make-a-Movie BrainPOP 

This is my BrainPOP make-a-movie video, the video is about goal setting and steps to achieve them.

A Change is Gonna Come

This is my second semester project and what we did was create our own Guernica. Mine was on how gun laws should be enforced, which you can see in my groups piece because we included many images and ideas to show that gun laws should be enforced. I liked doing this because I like to draw so it was cool to incorperate it in a school project. I think it came together well, although my group didn't get to finish, I'm still proud of our progress.

Shiloh Tom - Change is Gonna Come 2023

What I Learned In 10th Grade Relating to STEAM

I learned about a lot about STEAM in 10th grade.  We have completed numerous labs and homework on this topic in chemistry. The density paintings are one illustration. This lab required us to combine art and science, which I had fun doing. , we used STEAM in art much more. My favorite activity in this class involved utilizing charcoal in a variety of ways and creating things with clay.

For my other class, Geometry, we painted glass and the water bottle project, for each project we used STEAM. I love using StEAm as it is super beneficial connecting every subject together. At Drew, we use it all the time which I really enjoy. This year I used it a ton especially. In Art we also did tons of projects.