Breaking Barries

This is a project that I completed in my US History class. The project developed out of a conversation between teachers and students about creating opportunities and more ideas for more student voice, choice, and accountability inside the classroom. We will be creating a creative project that demonstrates our knowledge of the certain standard of our choosing.

First we were briefly introduced to this style of teaching. Then we were give time to review the standards and choose one that we were most interested in researching a creating a project off of. Finally, choose partners and began sharing creative ideas.

Project Proposal

Before the project could officially begin, I had to develop a project proposal. The purpose of a project proposal is to get an understanding of why you choose the topic.

My Discovery Question for this project is, how did the influence of U.S. inventions impact the social and economic barriers this question will require me to research how different innovations changed the world. This is my standard, Examine the influence of key inventions on U.S. infrastructure, including but not limited to the telegraph, telephone, and electric light bulb.

In this project I propose to create a Movie Trailer I chose this because I am very familiar with iMovie so is my partner.


Project Feedback Reflection



To the left is the complete word art. The words that you see is all of the research we found on Alexander Graham Bell and Antonio Meccui.


Overall I enjoyed completing this project, as well as the aspect of us choosing what we wanted to do. I learned that you have to find time to complete your work if you don't always have class time. Yes I feel like I do learn better what structured activities.