9th Grade


Purple Hibiscus Final Essay

During the first semester of my 9th grade ELA class, we read a book called Purple Hibiscus. The Protagonist, Kambili, is a young girl who is first starting high school. Her father is a very religious man, and is very struck about it too. He is a very abusive man who beats his family when they "Sin".

For the final essay, I had to write 6 paragraphs about how the main charterer, Kambili, changed. The first paragraph was the introduction where I introduced the topic sentence and the theses sentence. The middle 4 paragraphs where the body paragraphs that explained how she had changed. The conclusion was just simply a summary of the rest, and restating the topic.

Geo Tech

For this project, we had to come up with a concept idea for an app that we could theoretically create with the proper skills. Our app idea was to create a app that could help someone to learn to solve a Rubik cube and other things you need when using a cube like a timer, and a scrambler


During this years Spanish heritage month(2018), we had to create a power point and pick 10 different Hispanic celebrities, authors, and scientists to write about in Spanish.

This project was a great way for me to better my writing skills in Spanish, and to show my Spanish teacher how much I know. I enjoyed learning more about famous Hispanics and there culture.


For my 9th-grade science fair, I actually had to choose a lab that I did in class, and explain it as a science fair project. I chose a lab on spring constants. A spring constant is how strong a spring is, its stretchiness.

​I learned a lot from the lab, but even more, as I went more in depth for the science fair project. I learned about spring constants, and how to tell the difference between two different springs and their constraints. I enjoyed this project because it was a chance for me to work on my own and show what I could do without another student doing all the work.

Math (Algebra 1)


During the first semester of my Engineering class, we had two projects, the first was to design a 3d printed keychain, and the second was to design a corn hole board that followed the given constraints. My original design was this -->

I chose this project because I only did two projects in the class, but I also enjoyed getting tons of freedom on this project. We got to design the board however we wanted inside the constraints, and we built and painted everything ourselves too.

General Health

During General Health we spent the whole year working on a website to help middle and high schoolers in there health classes. For my two project topics during health, I will share two parts of my website. ​https://healthyyouu.weebly.com/