9th Grade

English Assignment #1

Javion Lovett - Is Odysseus a hero?

Odysseus Hero Essay

I argued that Odysseus was a hero

Math Assignment #1

Javion Lovett - Deliverable #3: Video Game Stages

Video game

In geometry I applied transformations by designing a video game with 3 levels. After designing my video game, I turned the video game into an animation. The goal of my game was to get the person to the oxygen mask. In order to complete my game, translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations had to be used. It was important throughout the process that we remembered the differences for each transformation. [In your own words discuss the differences between the transformations].

Stained glass

In Geometry I learned about the properties of parallelograms and used the properties to design a piece of stained glass. The inspiration for my stained glass was we wanted it to be abstract and full.we wanted to stand of but not do to much.The shapes I included in my design were triangles,square,rhombus,rectangle and etc. I made sure that my parallelograms abided by the properties of parallelograms which are Opposite sides are parallel. ...Opposite sides are congruent. ...Opposite angles are congruent. ...Same-Side interior angles (consecutive angles) are supplementary. ...Each diagonal of a parallelogram separates it into two congruent triangles. ...The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

Science Assignment #1

Social Studies Assignment #1

Tech Assignment #1