Sala Conoly's
S.T.E.A.M Portfolio

Original windmill sketch, 10th grade

Digital 3-D model design on Tinker Cad of my windmill,
10th grade

3-D popsicle stick and cardboard version of the
Tinker Cad model,
10th grade

Final prototype, the popsicle sticks are held together by a wire, while the base is glued together,
10th grade

Wooden Blades

The wooden blades are glued together and clamped down. In order for the blades to work, it has to be completely dry, 10th grade

Wooden Base

For the base, my team and I used the CNC machine to cut the wood parts. After the wood was cut, we used a sander, 10th grade

Final Product

The windmill is completed with a coat of silver paint, 10th grade

WindMill Task

Being a part of the engineering team, one of the major projects we were tasked to build was an original, life-sized windmill that was showcased in ‘Space is the New Place’ which is an event where students present different designs that are environmentally friendly. We designed and tested numerous prototypes based on requests and feedback that would best accommodate our client’s needs. I coordinated and delegated tasks to the various teams. I utilized data to select the optimal design and worked with my team to conceive a virtual design model of the product for pre-construction reference. I helped our team accomplish a high-quality product within a limited time-frame based on the scaled prototype. We built a full- functional windmill by cutting, drilling, and sanding 4x4 wood and designing circuits to activate the LED lights through a parallel circuit that was placed on it.

Remember, Stay environmently friendly #Spaceisthenewplace#GoDrew !

Engineering Resume (for more details, click drop arrow on the right)

Arduino Lantern Parade 2016

  • Acquired and studied new software efficiently

  • Constructed a high-quality product within a limited time-frame

  • Collaboratively innovated various unique designs

Mathematics/Science Principle Exhibit Design 2016

  • Adapted design to accommodate the client’s needs swiftly

  • Effectively communicated concept

  • Precisely identified and improved upon flaws found within the design

Pumpkin Chunking Catapult 2017

  • Produced a full-scale product based on a scaled prototype

  • Attained comprehensive understanding of subject and matter

  • Ensured consistent, accurate results

Space is the New Place Windmill Exhibit 2018

  • Worked collaboratively with other team leads as a team manager

  • Designed and tested numerous prototypes based on requests and recommendations

  • Coordinated and delegated different tasks between various groups

  • Utilized data to select the optimal design

  • Composed a virtual CAD model of the product as a reference

Sketch of Rocket

Sketched and Labelled the parts,
12th grade

Final Product

The rocket design was sleek, and it moved through the air easily. Placed 5th place out in class, 12th grade


Visual demonstration on what my bottle rocket looked like when it was launched. The materials that were used determined how far and high the rocket flew, 12th grade

Preparing the Food !

Physical Change:
Explored how the basic composition of water stays the same when heat is used. As the heat from the stove is applied, water begins to boil, eventually turning into a gas . Hence, evaporation and condensation are the physical changes of matter during this cooking process, 11th grade.

Chemistry Cooks !

"Everything in Food is Science. The only subjective part is when you eat it"-Alton Brown

Cooking the Food!

Chemical Change:
Learned how fettuccine noodles undergo a chemical reaction. The hard and brittle strands of noodles begin to soften, becoming more flimsy and flexible to bend . The molecular structures of the fettuccine noodles change during the cooking because of the boiling water, 11th grade.

How does the tools used to make the Fettuccine relate to Chemistry?

The pot as well as the mixing bowl are made of stainless steel. This is used instead of other types of pots, because of one very specific detail: the food doesn’t stick to the pot. The forks are also stainless steel. They help mix the pasta together without the fork getting stuck in the process. Lastly, the wooden spoon was used to help stir the pasta in the boiling pot. The wooden spoon is a non-conductor, therefore, the heat isn't transferred into the spoon, so you don’t get burned in the process.

Thank you for considering me for the Drew Scholarship!